
Refusal to Blow and License Suspension

In Mississippi a driver may have his/her license suspended as a result of refusing to “blow” when suspected of driving under the influence (DUI).  In the event you find yourself pulled over and facing a breath test to determine your blood alcohol level, your refusal will result in your license being administratively suspended. Similarly, if
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Consequences of Shoplifting

According to Mississippi law, any person who willfully and unlawfully takes possession of any merchandise owned, held, offered or displayed for sale by a merchant, without paying for it, is guilty of the crime of shoplifting. If convicted of Shoplifting, for merchandise which is less than or equal to $500,  the offending party can face
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Simple Assault and Law Enforcement

We have discussed Simple Assault in previous posts, including our last post which discusses the victim being pregnant as an aggravating factor, this post warns of the consequences of assaulting a law enforcement officer. Just as the type of acts which would normally constitute a simple assault, a misdemeanor, can be lead to more serious
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Simple Assault and Aggravating Factors

As discussed in a prior post, simple assault in Mississippi can be punished by up to 6 months in jail and a fine up to $500.00, or both.  However, there are certain aggravating factors which can substantially increase the consequences of actions which would otherwise be considered misdemeanor simple assault.  No surprisingly, the actions which
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Welcome Back Ole Miss Students and Incoming Freshmen and Transfers

Haymans and Company, PLLC welcomes back current Ole Miss students and extends a first welcome to the incoming freshman class and transfer students. We know that you will enjoy your time at Ole Miss and in Oxford as much as we do. While we know that you will enjoy the Square celebrating Ole Miss victories
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Haymans Law Criminal Defense Attorneys

We understand facing criminal charges can be intimidating and highly stressful. Dealing with criminal charges on your own can be frustrating and usually leads to an outcome that is not best for you. Our attorneys are dedicated to helping people facing all types of criminal charges get fair treatment and the best outcome available to
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Expunging your DUI

While the best strategy for maintaining a clear record is to never get a DUI, in the event you have already been convicted of a DUI/DWI, you may have the opportunity to have the DUI conviction expunged, meaning taken off your record.  Having a DUI conviction expunged from your record has tremendous benefits, however, not
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DUI Checkpoints and Roadblocks

Sobriety checkpoints, also known as DUI checkpoints, or more commonly “roadblocks” refer to the temporary stops intended to locate drunk drivers and to keep them off the road. Many people question the legality of such checkpoints or roadblocks and whether they are permitted, the simple answer is yes they are (in Mississippi). In the event
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Simple Assault?

As has been discussed in previous posts, “simple assault” is a misdemeanor resulting from a person: knowingly or recklessly causing bodily injury to another, negligently causing bodily injury to another with a weapon, or even threatening a person in such a manor that they fear serious bodily harm.  The injuries in simple assault cases are
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